With over 16 years of experience, BAIT AL SALAM PREFAB makes attempt to give value for quality while offering wide variety of designer choice from pool of models and Options. We have selected experienced and skill full team for each department. We can supplement our work force through our sister companies as per project requirements. We offer professionally Implemented Furnished Site Offices, Mosques, Toilet Units, Security Cabins, Modified Containers, Majalis, Kiosks, Restaurants and Cafeterias, We Create ambience that is impressive, inspiring and remarkable. Our Workforce has broad based professional experience in Prefab and Decoration Fields and can deliver a compatible with the latest trends and style of our client's choice. We Give service that is impressive, inspiring and remarkable to all, whether it is for residential, Industrial or commercial use. It would always be fascinating Product to the support the comfort of our client and value of their investment.